Fox Lake Campground events
Potlucks - We will be having two campground-wide potlucks: Saturday, June 7 and Saturday, August 2, 2025.
4th of July Weekend - We're planning the Annual Golf Cart/Bike/Walking/Wagon Parade for Saturday, July 5.
Halloween Weekend, the weekend of August 16 - Join us for one of the funnest weekends at the campground! Costume contest and parade, site decorating, games, Trick-or-Treating, Halloween Trails, and so much more!
Children's Scavenger Hunt - Scavenger Hunt sheets are found in the Game Room, near the back Lending Library area. Return the completed sheet to the campground store during open hours and pick a prize from the Treasure Chest or a piece of candy from the big candy jar!
Painted Rock Hunt - each weekend there are a handful of painted rocks hidden around the campground that have a message on the back of them. If a child finds one, have them bring it to the campground store during open hours for a special prize. (One rock per child please.)
Occasional visits from The Java Shack & Snacks coffee truck!

Campers gather for fellowship and food during the summer potlucks.

Campers bring a dish to share at the summer potlucks.

Campers brought a variety of dishes to share during the summer potlucks.

Campers gather for fellowship and food during the summer potlucks.
Use the arrows on the image above to see last year's potluck.